Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Android app for locating Mobile & Landline Number (India)

Android app for locating Mobile& Landline Number (India)

ShaPlus Caller Info(India) - Free Android Mobile Number Locator.
Many times we receive calls from unknown numbers & we are anxious to know where it came from. It helps us in many ways if we have this info. Here, i tell you about one free Android app that does it for you. Checked on my Samsung Galaxy Ace with Android Gingerbread 2.3.6. Read on.

ShaPlus Caller Info (India) is a free, lightweight Android app that shows you the location of the caller. It also shows the operator but it has no relevance after the number has been ported. But still the info provided is very useful. It integrates itself with the system & displays the info whenever the calls come. It can also be set to show details of the number you are calling (it can be done in app's settings). Interface is a bit plain. Should have been more pleasant looking. But it does the work as it promises. It even stores its own logs to give details about the region & operator. Works for both Landline & Mobile numbers. You can change the notification area where it shows the details.

P.S. - It works for Indian numbers only.

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