Getting rid of your voice recordings being added to your Music collection in Androidphones
To me, my own voice recordings getting added to music collection in my Android phone is one big unwanted thing. Being a hobbyist song-writer, I always come up with tunes that I need to record. But I definitely don't want them to be a part of my music library. If you also feel the same, I have come up with my own trick (probably my first hack on Android) that will solve this issue. Its quite easy. If you're not aware, here's an interesting fact for you. If you place a.nomedia file in the directory of your media files, most photo-viewers, music & video players will ignore that directory & wont play them. So the idea is to copy .nomedia file to recordings directory & lo!! they wont be included in library. To look for a .nomedia file, open your phone's file manager & press settings. Tap to show hidden files. Now navigate to Whatsapp directory (it must most probably be installed on your phone) & look for a .nomedia file inside Profile Pictures directory. Just copy it to any folder (directory) you want to ignore! This one has been tested on Micromax Canvas HD A116's default / stock file-manager. If your Android device is other than this, you may need to figure out how to display hidden files. Same trick can be used for making your photo-viewers ignore a few certain folders you dont want to be showed up (e.g Cache files, Album artwork files & similar other unwanted media). You now have the idea of how to perform a simple hack to stop your media applications from accessing recordings & other unwanted media.
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